Femisol® has a positive effect on well-being in menopause. Join thousands of satisfied European customers. 
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All about menopause

What is menopause?

Menopause marks the end of the menstrual cycle and is a natural, biological process. It is a period when the ovaries finally stop functioning and a woman loss her childbearing potential. 

This happens when the ovaries no longer perform their function, i.e., they no longer produce eggs and therefore the level of hormones in a woman’s body drops. It is the drop in hormones that is responsible for all changes in the mood, feelings and physical appearance.

An ovary is an organ that produces female hormones oestrogen and progesterone, which are responsible for regulating the menstrual cycle and ovulation. With age eggs in the ovary no longer ripen; hormone level drops, menopause comes, and menstrual cycle is interrupted. In most women this happens around the age of 50. 

Menopause is a normal, physiological aging process and not a disease. For most women menopause is a period of changes, a period, when hormones play with emotions and feelings. 

The most common symptoms of the menopause:
  • Hot flushes and/or intensive night sweating;
  • Feeling unwell (fatigue and mood swings);
  • Insomnia;
  • Water retention;
  • Memory loss, concentration problems;
  • Vaginal dryness, low libido, pain during sexual intercourse, frequent vaginal infections;
  • Headaches;
  • Urine incontinence, urinary tract infection;
  • Depression, quick mood changes;
  • Weight gain;
  • Aged appearance.

Influence of menopause on appearance

In menopause hormonal activity slows down, which also affects the way the skin ages, its density and elasticity. Further, secretion of sex hormones – the youth hormone (DHEA), testosterone and oestrogen – significantly subsides, and this under-secretion causes ageing of the skin. 

Due to a lower level of oestrogens less collagen is produced in skin (weaker connective tissue), skin become thinner, loses its capacity for elasticity, sensitive to touch, additionally, metabolism slows down and skin structure changes, too.

Because the quantity of oestrogens is lower, androgynous hormones may prevail, and this impact hair growth, which may result in increased hairiness in unusual places. On the other hand, hair growth weakens; and they become thinner and fall out.

The dietary supplement Femisol will make you feel beautiful on the outside, too. Vitamin C contributes to the formation of collagen, which is important for healthy blood vessels, bones, hair and nails, while zinc keep bones, hair, skin and nails healthy.

Self-care tips for menopause

Menopause is a time when a woman should take time for herself and her body and determine how she can feel good in her skin again. Regular physical activity, appropriate hydration and healthy diet will help you get there. And it is even more important not to exaggerate with anything, but also take enough time for rest and sleep.

Regular physical activity will help you feel more energized, and you will control your weight easier, too. The main reason is that when you exercise serotonin levels go up, which improves your mood, general wellbeing, appetite and has a positive impact on sleep quality. 

Regular exercise also helps you maintain muscle mass, which is important for posture, mobility, and prevents weight gain. 

Eating healthy is particularly important in the period of our lives when our body goes through certain changes. It is the intake of healthy and fresh ingredients that can contribute to better mood, promote good digestion and overall health. 

General guidelines to be followed include:

- Eat a lot of fresh, organically grown fruit and vegetables every day.
- Give preference to food with high fibre content to help control your appetite, promote digestive health, and benefit your heart.
- Drink a lot of clean, fresh water.
- Consume diverse food, rich in calcium (bones strength)

You are not alone.

In addition to the above listed common symptoms, a woman’s cessation of fertility often represents a greater emotional change in a woman’s life. 

Changing from a young, vibrant, fertile woman to an older, mature woman can sometimes cause psychological and emotional distress. But you have the power to change that. 

By understanding the mechanisms of menopause, by knowing how you can help yourself with natural treatment and by taking time for yourself menopause can become a period full of life and enjoyment. And this is what we had in mind when we were searching for the right ingredients for Femisol.

Hormone therapy (HRT) vs. natural treatment

Hormone replacement therapy, or medications containing the hormones that a woman's body stops producing after menopause, has a significant impact on health and wellbeing. Hormones improve mood, protect heart, maintain healthy bones, resolve issues with vaginal dryness, improve libido. Hormonal balance is very important for feeling good. 

Your physician or gynaecologist will determine the method, which is the most appropriate for you regarding your health and lifestyle. Due to various possible complications (risk of cardiovascular diseases, risk of breast cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, etc.), hormone therapy is not a long-term solution and demands careful monitoring of the medical condition and is not appropriate for every woman. 

A large percentage of women are intimidated by menopausal hormone therapy, or they should not use it (ovarian or breast cancer, which feeds on oestrogen), in this case natural treatment is recommended. 

Natural treatment with isoflavones:

Natural treatment is recommended to women, who should not use HRT or refuse it, while menopausal symptoms severely affect their quality of life. Such women can benefit from phytoestrogens.

Phytoestrogens are natural substances that imitate the female sex hormone oestrogen because their chemical structure is very similar to that of oestrogen from the body, or they regulate the function of endogenous oestrogens, usually by binding to oestrogen receptors thereby contributing to hormonal balance. 

They have a weaker effect than the natural oestrogen, they are much faster decomposed and are not stored in tissues. Some of the most important sources of phytoestrogens are red clover (Trifolium pratense) and soy (Glycina max). In fact, red clover extract is one of the principal ingredients of the dietary supplement Femisol.

What happens after menopause? Post menopause.

In post menopause, when hormone level stabilizes again, the body adjusts to the new balance and after a long-time women get the feeling of energy boost and feel better about themselves again. 

Some years after menopause they can however experience other problems related to oestrogen level. The most frequent changes in post menopause are cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis and weight gain. Osteoporosis affects more than a half of all women after menopause. In older women, hand fractures are ten times more likely than in men, hip fracture is twice as likely.

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